The truth.

I’m gonna let you in on a secret. And it’s terrifying.

You wonder if there is a place called heaven and hell? There’s not. And there kind of is .You are in hell right now.
All of us are. You have lived many lives. You just don’t remember them. You have a soul. It did something very bad. What?I don’t know , We will never know. That is part of the hell we are forced to live in.

When this life is over, you will cease to exist. But not really. Just your body, you will not die. Your soul will jump to the next body You will inhabit. A new life will be born . But it is not really a new life. s just the same soul in the different body

This is the hell they have created for us. Who? why? you don’t know. But I know we all did something bad to be here. And there’s no way you can get out.

You might be reborn as a little Asian boy. or Indian girl. It doesn’t matter. We are all in hell. Choice is  an illusion .

It always was. It’s brilliant when you think about it. Whoever came out with the space prison that is the earth.

We fight about politics. Religion. God. It’s all a distraction. It’s not real. It’s pointless. You will just die and you will wake up a new person. I mean no memory of this life. So what was the point in all your Troubles.

There is none. It will just repeat like it always does. You know that Sphinx there in Egypt?

They’ve always been watching over us. Little ants in an ant farm we are. Trapped in a hell we can’t escape.

Now I thought what if I just killed myself I wouldn’t really be killing myself. You would just wake up a new baby., Having no memory of this life. It’s a trap.

You’ve been alive for centuries. We all have

We are so obsessed with leaving this planet because we think we can escape that way. No, you can’t. Imagine you escape and go to Mars.
Eventually, you will die on Mars. And you will wake up a baby on Earth.

You are in space Prison. We all are. And it’s so tricky if we all figure it out and riot. It doesn’t matter. Eventually, you will die , the cycle repeats.. This is the most brilliant prison.!

A small part of me feels bad for telling you the truth.
But I can’t live in this hell by myself.
So you’re welcome.

I wonder what I did to get myself here thousands of years ago. It doesn’t matter. There is no escaping this hell. Now that I’ve told you you’re in it, what will you do? The same thing as me. Nothing.. Admit defeat. Whoever created this hell they win.

Unless you can think of a way to escape this hell, let me know. I think the only way you can escape is if you meditate yourself to death.00
Become a light being. Certain monks have done it. Seems like a lot of hard work, though. You have to meditate for eight days straight until your heart stops

. Then you become a light being, and you can actually leave this Earth. Maybe the monks are the only ones that figured it out.
Or maybe they’re Buddha’s? I can’t remember, but I think that Might be The only way out.

I have to tell you I’m not up for it. I wish I was. And i’m sad I know The truth. Aren’t you?
Don’t worry.. You will die and wake up a new baby. Having no memory that you ever knew you were in hell.

Whatever I did in the cosmos to bring me here I repent. But I have this sinking feeling it doesn’t matter.

Alga rhythm.

I don’t see my friends anymore. They are of different political view.

I am pretty sure the reason I don’t see them is because of you.

It wasn’t like this in the beginning. I saw everyone on Facebook.

But then with Unfollow, Restricted, And other Buttons, liberties you took.

You should have just left us all alone.

Maybe then once in a while we’d pick up the phone.

We are all in a bubble. And it’s probably your fault.

It’s FUCKED up. The system is rigged. We are a file, in the freaking vault!

Uncle Sam., You did it with our eyes wide awake.

Shame on us. But you made one mistake.

My husband taught me this. And it’s true.

Technology will always fail you

Where is my mind?

I am always Engaged in talking With total strangers online. And I have no idea what this is doing to my brain Long term

Will they find out in 200 years that smartphones fried Our brains? We thought it possibly could not create damage only help us. Like AI is going to do?

All this technology is happening too fast.
Even the blog I am now writing on I don’t know what half the Functions do. What happens when I do this I don’t know.
Oh now everything’s in red. All this technology is just too much for me.

Where is my mind going to be in 20 years? Will I get an implant and be able to walk? Probably not. But anything is possible.

There is too much stimulation going into my brain. What am I doing to myself? My daughter is already so much Better with technology than I.
Is this just How It’s gonna be generation after generation?

Only to find out in a 1000 years that’s smart phones Began the rot of our brain.


I am not a flower I am a cat

But every hour someone tells me the opposite of that.

Earthquakes in Turkey. They say it’s man-made.

COVID-19 was manufactured to bring you to the grave.

The Train Derailment In Palestine yeah that was man-made 2.

In case you’re wondering the man will be the death of you.

The Hawaiian fires were on purpose.
Don’t you know?

Climate change has nothing to do with it for SHUW

This is beginning to feel like paranoia

Paranoia will destroy YA.

Let’s go back to my picture.
What do you see?

Am I a flower or a cat or maybe I’m just me?

Don’t listen to what people say

Trust yourself or you will get in the way

Of facts. Reality.
I know sometimes it’s tough.

But don’t invent bullshit just because it gets rough.

There is no conspiracy.
I’m just a fucking cat.

And honestly there’s nothing wrong with that.


I do not believe in any Conspiracies. They are fun but not real.

The minds told us the world would end in 2012.
It’s did not Everyone Thought 1999 Was the end I went to time square for Y2K.
Nothing happened. 911 was set up. No it wasn’t Conspiracy will cause you to live in fear.
Don’t. Be smart

If all these conspiracies are true the world is a pretty awful place.
Why do you want to believe that? Don’t live in fear. Don’t believe.
Fucking ticktox. It’s crazy people really send me videos on TikTok and think that is information.
It’s not that’s opinion.

Stop believing bullshit.
Stop living in fear. The latest conspiracy is that the Hawaiian wild fires were set on purpose.

It wasn’t. Let’s play Devil’s advocate.
And say all conspiracy Are true. Whom are you helping?
No one.
Stop It. Lies hurt.
You want these Hawaiian people to think they lost everything because some rich guys set their land on fire ?
Who does that help?
No one.
Stop it with your conspiracy. You hurt people Conspiracies hurt


So I’m not allowed to talk about Florida politics without registering with Florida? Well I’m certainly going to blog about it and see what happens lol

We don’t care if you run for president, governor of florida. But your wackadoodle laws down there will not work for the country. I’m sorry, not sorry. You’re wackadoodle don’t say gay bill. I know you’re not saying you can’t say gay, but you’re basically saying you can’t say gay! And you’re going to b a n abortion across the country, I don’t think so.

I am a school teacher. I could get a job right now in Florida if I wanted to. But what teacher wants to work down there? Too many rules. It’s really scary. They’re education system is failing. Teachers don’t even want to work in that state. But okay he’ll be a great president LOL

That’s good I guess I’m done, I just want to see what will happen. Cuz I’m not supposed to blog about Florida politics. I’m guessing nothing will happen!