Wolf in sheep’s clothing

The beginning of this poem is told by the bad person. my husband was confused so he thought you might be too .  It becomes me talking when it goes to bold letters
I have low self-esteem and don’t like myself.

I hide  this somewhere on a mental shelf.

I don’t like to use my brain, but when I do it is out of anger.

I could be your best friend, I could be your neighbor.

I blame everyone for my problems except me, myself and I.

My mother is screwed up and so I try;

To see every woman like her, rotten to the Core.

If you say you love me I hate you more.

I need help. But I will not get it.

With a  Woman doctor they will make me sit. 

So I will choose to keep it inside.

It’s not fear it’s manly and true Pride.

I learned well from my  father and he was the best.

He didn’t let any woman put him to the test.

…. hide our daughters from him he is everyone.

Don’t trust that sweet smile We call them wife beaters I call them cowards.

They are sneaky and Sly and can be surrounders

With kind words, but it’s a lie.

Teach your daughters about them so they can not even try. Peace and love Laurelin
Dedicated to the best protector of children I know my husband