. Have not I already been published?🌻

 I would love to be Published someday.

I refuse to give money. For I want none ,I say.

If you are reading this today; then I got through.

I write for Humanity. I write for each of you!

Yes, I write about adiction. Multiple sclerosis and stem cells. But mostly, I write about each other.

I write about the human race. Your mother, your sister. Your fellow brother.

It would be a lonely world, without other in it.

Yet , alone in my room waiting for stem cells to grow I sit .

Technology is amazing. I can spread love from above to each of you.

Love is the greatest gift I give. It is the only emotion that is true.

Just for today, live with love. For Humanity, it is nothing new.

And it is all around us. Within us. It is where the wind just blew.

Peace and love Laurelin 🌻