
How does one truly Define poetry? 

If you look up the definition “a form of art “is all you will see .

How does one Define art?

A form of human creativity

What makes us have the desire for free verse?

Is it a deep fire within us? Or is it a curse?

Cursed to have this thing called creativity.

This thing exists in all Humanity.

That means it’s in you ,and you, and you ,and well ….all of you.

We all Will express it in different ways.

Painting. Dancing. Music. Sports. So many it’s a creative maZe.

Sometimes we do it just for ourselves. Sometimes we want to share.

Without some form of art the world would fall into despair.

There would be no empathy. There would be no ampathy or empathy, no one would care.

About anything. How boring would that be?

I don’t know about you, but a world without art ,would not be for me.

What is your form of Art? Think about it. Everyone has a drive or a passion.

Some say ,I type all day ,and I have no interest in anything but TV, is their reaction.

I say your skills with your hands is something I never could possess and your quickness is your form of Art.

I am not crazy. I am telling each and everyone of you inside you you have art in your heart.

I’m a high school English teacher. My specialty was poetry , That other people wrote.

You never lose your passion. If your ship starts sinking jump on a different boat.

William Carlos Williams, Yates ,and mostly Robert Frost are my favorites, my inspiration.

This picture I dedicate to you mr. Williams I know you got it and you are my motivation.

My motivation to remember that it’s all about the little things.

I hope to one day teach again. But until then I write it. And oh my goodness the joy it brings.

Hopefully to others. Hopefully to you.

Hope I made you think about something, before I am through.

There is something inside all of you ,that you are meant to do.

And this poem I just wrote was surely meant ,to be read by you

Peace and love Laurelin