They are working■

I can move my right leg everyday.

They are working.

Now walk around the house with my Walker. For just this I did pray and pray.

Holy cow they are actually working.

My bladder always works. The other thing is starting too.

Holy s*** I think they are actually working!

I don’t cry everyday. Wait for death. Don’t smile through the real feeling so blue.

My God I love everyone. For this gift. Stem cells are working!

I can’t believe my psy Cadian rhythm is going back

I want everyone to have this gift. A second chance. They said Iwould be wheelchair-bound THEY ARE WORKING!!

Is there anything you need? How can I give the back to you for what you lack?

I’m going to go clean the bathroom holy s*** they are working!!

I think I will work on Humanity as a whole. If you ever need help please call.

It is such a miracle ,friends. They are working!

I promise to catch you if you fall.

This Miracles shows we need each other ,each one and all.

So stay strong whether you are little ,small ,or strong ,and tall;
Love each other. Help each other. If they are working for me, then anything is possible you see?

I am doing extremely well post eight and a half months stem-cell hsct.

Peace and love
