
I once wrote a poem called always look on the bright side.

Sometimes I just can’t. No matter how hard I tried.

Yes I did get stem cells. But I still have MS

No friends. The last one gave me stress.

I should just be happy that I am a live.

But I still can’t walk. Can’t write this. Can’t drive.

So I sit here. I write little poems to my cat.

Eat the same s*** everyday. Do nothing. But what’s wrong with that?

Absolutely nothing. And that is the problem. Nothing.

At least when I was getting stem cells in Mexico losing hair I was doing something.

I’m bored. Every year people say that you are still so young.

I hate that. Then when do I become old? When will it be fun?

What is the meaning of life? And why should I care?

Do I have bad luck? Am I cursed? Do you dare to say it’s fair?

37 years and I quit. Or is it that I never tried?

Don’t know. Don’t care. But right there I just lied.

What a mess. Is my life. Ugh but also my house.

Would you eat green eggs and ham with a mouse?

I will tell you the truth of why I just wrote that line.

I simply could not think of another word that would rhyme.

The truth is this poem has been one giant joke.

I just really really want a f****** smoke.

Peace and love Laurelin🌻